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First Day of Class at Griffith University!

Yesterday, I had my first class ever at Griffith University. My first class was at 6:00PM so I had most of the day to myself to relax, get ready, and prepare myself. My roommate had her first class before me so I had some information before going in. I was getting so nervous because she was telling me about how she got lost trying to find her first class because Griffith University is a much larger campus than the school I go to back home. Another reason I was nervous was because I was at a brand new school in a different country and didn't know what to expect from it. Before I left for school I got to talk with family and friends, do some chores, hang by the pool, shower, and then get ready to leave. I left about an hour and fifteen minutes before my class started because it takes around twenty minutes to get to campus by tram and I was super nervous that I wasn't going to be able to find my class on time because I didn't know the campus well enough. While on the tram I was super nervous and I had such a bad case of butterflies in my stomach. When I got to campus I actually found my classroom quickly because it was close to the tram stop so I got lucky. When I got to the classroom I noticed that all the people that go to university already know one another because people in Australia go to university close to home unlike in America. Everyone had their friend groups already formed so it was awkward walking into a class not knowing anyone. Before class started one person finally sat next to me and I felt a lot better. The biggest difference I noticed was the teacher student relationship was a lot different. It was different because the teachers here act more like you're friends instead of your superior. They really want you to feel comfortable with them and their teaching methods. The biggest challenge for me was trying to figure out my school website and find my assignments and required readings because I wasn't used to the system. They don't really have a week were you get yourself adjusted you kind of get right into the work the first class. Hopefully I will adjust soon and get into the swing of things and I'm looking forward to what Griffith University has to offer me this trimester!

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Stefanie A.​ Mongiardo 
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